Thursday, March 13, 2008

Comments From Petition Signers

Take a vote of the people, That is the American way..... What are you afraid of. If not a recall is in order.

I hereby submit my objection to the City of Eagle's creation of Limited Improvement District, for the expressed purpose of purchasing the Eagle Water Company, without putting the measure to a vote before the residents of the city. I request that Mayor Bandy (whom I voted for) and the members of the city council to suspend all current activity and efforts pursuant to the creation of the L.I.D. and the subsequent purchase eagle water corp. until such activities can be voted on and approved by residents of the city of eagle.

There is absolutely no reason for the City of Eagle to purchase this water company!!!!!!!!

I would like to know why the City of Eagle (City Council) feels it is in the best interest of its citizens for the city/citizens to own this water company (tax/fee increase). As I understand it, the system is not in the best of repair and when purchased

I am in full agreement that the new tax should be put to a vote. I didn't vote in the last mayoral election but you can bet I won't miss the next one!

This is an unfair tax for those of us who do not need or want the city water.

More information is needed on what this "tax increase" will mean, who will really benefit from the LID, and why only certain residents of Eagle at large are being required to pay for something they had have no input on in the first, or final, place.

The city is likely the best buyer for the company but it should still go through the proper channels.

Let the LID citizens decide. We know the issues and deserve the right to vote on this!

Just a little common courtesy of a chance to weigh in would be nice. What are we guaranteed as a result of this tax?

Boston (Eagle) Tea Party!

Isn't this taxation without representation? I bet our forefathers are rolling in their graves over this one.

Just a little common courtesy of a chance to weigh in would be nice. What are we guaranteed as a result of this tax?

We either get to vote on this as a city or we will recall our elected officials!

I believe this tax is unnecessary and an unfair tax. If this is to pay for the increased water usage due to growth then any additional housing projects should foot the bill or a bond election needs to take place.

No tax levy of this size should happen without a vote of the people. It should also only be a tax levy on those that use the services and not all property.

I think this new tax should be voted on as a bond election.

I agree this should be voted on as a bond election.


Must be approved by taxpayers!

The matter of a city purchasing a water company and being in the water business is far too large an issue for a City Council to decide and then impose on those impacted. The need to buy Eagle Water Company at all, vs. other options, needs to be studied extensively and all options, including doing nothing, need to put before voters. The L.I.D. as presently being imposed is highly inappropriate when not specially chosen by votes by election.

Not enough information has been presented to the public on this throughout the process. I personally asked Scott Nordstrom at the first workshop at the City last year what this meant to commercial properties downtown and he had no idea. This latest notice is the first time I have seen anything from the City regarding commercial. This type of communication makes people untrusting of government.

What about selling bonds to pay for the sewer district? Moreover, in an economic slow down, why raise taxes to further slow the economic development?

A bond vote is the ethical way to handle this....let's not "railroad" the long time residents into paying for something that should be handled through impact fees.

We still believe that taxation with out representation is not right. the will of the people of eagle is not represented. i personally heard a person state that they had registered twelve hundred people to vote for our new mayor. i believe that just the property owners should have a say in the purchase of the eagle water company.

This tax is an outrage! The water is fine as is. Why should we have to pay for someone else to make $$?

1 comment:

nkd said...

The city council was trying to push this tax through using the backdoor method hoping that by the time the residents realized what was going on it would be too late. They started the process last year and just now sent out letters telling each resident we now owe this much money. We were never given an opportunity to voice our opinions on the matter. And what individuals or group of individuals stand to profit from this transaction. I'm sorry to say that the whole thing does not sound kosher. How can a decision that affects so many people only be discussed amongst so few. Now when the transaction is just about concluded they are going to have a meeting and tell us more about it. Where's the fairness. This is huge and it definitely requires a vote by the people.