Sunday, March 16, 2008

Eagle Water Company Owner Largest Donor to Mayor Bandy Campaign.

A review of Mayor Bandy’s campaign finance reports indicate that Bob DeShazo, the owner of Eagle Water Company donated $1,000 to the Bandy campaign. The donation was made the day before the run-off election.

Based upon Bandy’s report submitted January 8, 2008, he raised a total of $5,634.80 from 56 donors, indicating an average donation of around $100.


Unknown said...

The DeShazo family's contribution to Mayor Bandy's campaign was more then $1000 you mention. The DeShazo's (including Bob DeShazo, President of Eagle Water Company) contributions to Bandy were made to support the “controlled growth” mayoral candidate and to specifically help defeat the “no-growth” candidate. The DeShazo family owns millions of dollars of property within the City of Eagle which pales in comparison to our donations to help elect the individuals we deem most appropriate to serve the best interests of the residents of Eagle and our business interests. It is our right to make donations to the candidates we wish to support, especially if those candidates interests (for once) are aligned with our interests which is to protect our property values. This has not always been the case for our family in Eagle and far too often we have faced significant problems with our property and projects within Eagle City at the hands of Eagle’s elected officials. Our donations were fully disclosed and that is the electoral process. You make it sound as if you discovered a secret and that there were some underhanded dealings with Mayor Bandy. Yet you fail to mention the financial support received by the looser of this mayoral election – whose contributions were far greater than what Bandy’s campaign received. We felt very strongly about this election and we voted with our money and persons and if there are those that do not like it – change the campaign laws. Until then do not try and point false fingers, whine and cry while individuals take responsibility and action to protect their interests and a family’s 40 year history as residents of Eagle. Lastly if you are going to insinuate something shady - please be more clear and specific so we may sue you.

Thomas DeShazo
The DeShazo Family

Gale L. Pooley said...

The facts speak for themselves. Sue the facts.

Saundra McDavid said...

Thomas - I never once said during the campaign for Eagle Mayor that I was for "no-growth." That was a rumor spread by people like you. I was the candidate who wanted to truly manage the growth in order to protect our property values. The uncontrolled growth of the previous administration plays a huge part in our current oversupply of homes and DECLINING home values.

You also failed to disclose the source of funding of my campaign versus Mayor Bandy’s campaign. Mayor Bandy received thousands upon thousands of dollars of campaign contributions and independent expenditure money by the Ada County Association of Realtors and the Building Contractors Association. Those donations were money, multiple flyers mailed out to thousands of residents, and unethical telemarketing disguised as a phone poll which falsely accused me of suing the city – something I never did, but something you so readily threatened against the citizens questioning the purchase of your family’s water company. The support for my campaign came overwhelmingly from the citizens of Eagle; not individuals like yourself who own “millions of dollars of property within the City of Eagle” and wish to benefit from developing the land, or selling water companies. Mayor Bandy’s contributions were overwhelmingly from those who wish to benefit from the city, not those of us who live here.

Your contribution to Mayor Bandy’s campaign when you had contracts pending before the City of Eagle was a violation of law in some states, but not Idaho. As State Senator I plan on introducing a “Pay for Play” bill which would limit political contributions to municipal candidates by individuals and organizations with contracts pending before the municipality. Actions like yours create distrust among our people and our government at the expense of both the government and the people. You are the only one who benefits.

Saundra McDavid